Monday, May 15, 2006

The Da Vinci Code, etal

Okay, it's my turn to gripe.

I read the Da Vinci code, in fact I read all of Dan Brown's books. What part of fiction is the concept so difficult to grasp? Can't people just read a book for pleasure? I've heard people say it shakes their faith, (guess they didn't have much to start with), the church has kept a clandestine cover up (give me a break), now Rome has gotten their two cents in. PEOPLE, IT'S A WORK OF FICTION - GET OVER IT.

The city of Burbank issued their 2006 vehicle sticker depicting a soldier kneeling in front of a cross of a fallen soldier. You guesed it, an athiest is complaning it offends them. Get a life, move to Iraq. I'm sure they'll take good care of you.

Again, what part of illegal immigrant is so difficult to understand. I have no problem with anyone who wants to come to America to work or live. Just do it legally. Our language is English, if you want permanent residency learn it. If I went to live in a foreign country I would learn their language. If you want to live here you abide by the rules, or don't apply for a drivers license. I want to see the face to make sure it's you. Don't complain about the National Guard being used for border security, that's the job of the National Guard, homeland security. Their job isn't Iraq. That's the job of the Armed Forces. Not enough troops you say? Guess what, draft boards are still active. Got a problem with gathering phone numbers looking for a pattern, tough. Maybe the next time you'll be the target. As far as I'm concerned you can run all the numbers you want through your computers, if you find patterns going to suspected terrorist cells, stomp on them with everything you've got. Maybe all those bleeding heart left wing liberals and assorted conservatives ought to review the 9/11 tapes over, and over, and over. Maybe they should convene hearings and talk to the survivors of the towers or Flight 93. Maybe they should just do us all a favor and resign and get someone with guts to fill the spots.

I'm through now.


Mary said...

"Get a life, move to Iraq. I'm sure they'll take good care of you." I love this. I think that we should tell this to alot of people.

I liked this post so much I linked it in my blog.

Anonymous said...

So you finally speak again! And that you did! I am going to link this post to quite a few people I know. And to go with Mary's thoughts, "What he said!"

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Tony! I totally agree on the immigration issue. If your illegal, you have no rights. If your illegal you don't belong here. Get out or get legal. I'm so tired of walking into department stores and seeing things in English then in Spanish. Do we accomodate all the Asian and European immigrants in this country? No! When I went to Russia, I had to learn Russian.
I just saw a segment on GMA this morning about the Divinci Code. I don't know why people have to take something like this and blow it completly out of proportion. As you so eloquently put it, they should "get a life". Ok, I'm stepping down from my soapbox.

Libby said...

GOOD post!!