Monday, December 26, 2005

Wierd Habits

Okay, so now I've been tagged. Well I've been in worse shape. Wierd Habits, and you only need 5? Gee I have to give this some thought.

5. I can't work at a desk that isn't square and doesn't have everything in its place. When I was working if the cleaning people moved my desk pad and phone during the night I had to reconfigure my whole desk. There's nothing wrong with a little order in life.

4. Okay, so the icons on my computer desktop have to be symetrical, so what!

3. So I yell at contestants on Wheel of Fortune when they blurt out the wrong answer. What's wrong with that?

2. To go along with all the others it's socks, shirt, then pants. Anything else is just plain wrong, wrong, wrong.

1. I can't talk if my hands are tied. It's an Italian thing.

Cynthia, you are so anxious to be tagged, therefore you're "IT". Na-na-na-na Na-na-na-na


Mary said...

Okay, I forgot about #1. But as you say, I don't think that's a wierd habit, I think it's an ethnic thing. :)

Anonymous said...

aaahh, That was so worth it. I had a great chuckle over your weird habits. I love the one about yelling at contestants on Wheel of Fortune. I do the same thing, except I'm screaming the answer at them. And the can't talk if your hands are tied, thats just classic.

Anonymous said...

Can you please explain that to my husband???? He doesn't understand the talking with my hands. However, he has learned to grab my hands if he wants me to shut up. Wierd how that works. Especially when I'm all worked up!!!! (guess that's a good way to end a disagreement. Hard to yell when you are stuttering!)