Monday, December 12, 2005

Lunch With My Grandson

Today I experienced once again the benefits of retirement. I awoke this morning, took a leisurely shower had a hot cup of coffee and pondered my activities for the day. (Actually, I got up panicked because I got up so late and showered and shaved in 10 minutes.) Scared 1 Now normally getting up late is no big deal, but today we were going to my grandson's school to have lunch with him and the school is an hour away and we had to stop and pick up the requested meal. Arriving at McDonalds in Frankfort I noticed many, many cars at the drive up window and being only 10:45 in the morning could only assume their final destination was identical to mine. Finally I received the requested 'Big Boy Meal' and was off to school where parents and grandparents stood with their McDonald's bags waiting for the children to come to lunch. When the children showed up they were given 20 minutes to eat and then headed back to wherever the next class or rest station was. Now can anyone believe a 1st grader could have his parents or grandparents with him for lunch and get it finished with talking and eating in 20 minutes? Ummm But it was still nice.

Times have changed since you girls went to school. They never had parents day or grandparents day to do things with you. They always had meetings to show what you did or didn't do, or could or couldn't do, but I don't remember just having a together day. If they did I guess I missed them all. And so what I guess I'm saying those years go by very very fast, and while you have to work take advantage of those years because they only come around once.

Now that I through with that maudlin display of retrospect I just may relate the tale of the rolling meatball on my next Blog. ROTFL


Mary said...

Oh please! I want the rolling meatball story!!! Lisa doesn't read blogs, she won't know the difference!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tony for fixing your blog so that I can enter some sarcastic remarks. I got such a giggle out of your retrospective commentary. I also want to hear about the rolling meatball....sounds interesting.

Libby said...

welcome to the dark know, the blogworld! i'm libby in ohio, and i know you...'Mary's dad'! I also want to read the 'saga of the rolling meatball'!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Anonymous said...

TELL IT TELL IT TELL IT!!!! I LOVE THAT STORY!!!! PPPPUUUUUHHHHHLLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE??And no, I don't ever remember those days when we were in school. I don't even think they had them with Nicole. Hasn't it only been Ray?

By the way, I'm with Debbie, thanks for fixing the blog.

Mary said...

We're waiting!!! C'mon you MUST be done with your Christmas shopping by now!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting ..........


Anonymous said...

okay, I somehow crossed from dad's blog to mary's blog and back. I want to tell everyone that the meatball story DID NOT HAPPEN - Dad is making it up! and besides I was only like 8 years old! Mary, that is not nice to talk about me behind my back! From now on, I guess I shall read blogs so I can defend myself!! On a lighter note, Dad your story about lunch with Ray almost made me cry! Ray and I thank you once again for going and did not realize the entire school would be going to the same McDonald's!

Ivy the Goober said...

Kids sure like their McDonalds, don't they? I can remember a couple of occasions when my daughter asked if I'd bring some to her school. I think it raises their status or something to have a parent/grandparent who will fetch them some fast food while the others all eat the boring cafetria stuff :)

Anonymous said...

well father, the meatball story was funny. i was just trying to save someone from slipping on the meatball! and i can't believe there are no comments on that yet!